
A Whole New World

While the recent break from real life due to snow was more than welcome, the sheer lack of things to do has driven me to this experiment, which you have the pleasure of being witness to. Yes, friends, I have joined the ranks of bloggers everywhere, and will now seek to make my life sound as interesting as possible for an audience which may or may not in fact exist. Forgive me while I flashback to high school Xanga experiences and try to drive those from my mind.

I have spent the last days in the company of some of my very dearest friends, which has been so incredibly refreshing and encouraging. The snow and ice was a blessing beyond just that of closing school, and enabled schedules to disappear and friends to gather together in whatever warmth could be found to talk, laugh and simply be with one another. I am blessed with such amazing, encouraging, God-seeking friends. I love growing to know them better--what incredible hearts and minds they have.

Last night RUF was canceled due to the canceled classes. (I've just been struggling with the spelling of this word [cancelled] this week--apparently 1 L is the American spelling and 2 Ls is the British spelling. I don't like it.) This was sad. But a few of us decided to get on the phone and call people together to sing hymns at Anna McDowell's house (also the home of Sally and Amanda). 2 hours after this idea was born we had about 30 gathered in the living room, singing the beautiful hymns we know and love. What a glorious time of fellowship. What an encouragement and testimony to the Gospel we share. What a heavenly picture of what is to come.

I am going to be taking cello lessons this semester. I rented a cello from the School of Music today. It is awesome. I hope you are as excited as I am. This is uncharted water for me, and I am so ready for some smooth (or not so smooth) sailing. It's gonna be ballin'. I can't wait to own my own instrument and I can have Julie Borden hand paint it like this fine piece of craftsmanship:
Classy, no?