
September's Eve

Someone suggested to me yesterday that I should export my "things I am loving"s from facebook onto my blog and then monetize my blog, because my series of stati were so very popular that I could really turn it in to a money-making venture. I don't know if I want to sell-out like that or not.

This weekend was the best I've had in awhile. Saturday, I decided to take a Sabbath. I did not set my alarm, and simply slept until I woke up. This happened to be noon. I didn't shower, I stayed in my pajamas. I made myself breakfast of waffles and a fruit salad. I spent the afternoon Sabbathing. I rested, I watched a myriad of Alias episodes, talked with my roommates. I declined invitations to leave the house. My roommate and I painted canvases. We made some dinner, sometime around 10pm. And when I got tired, I went to sleep. I think it was exactly what I needed, and something I highly recommend.

Sunday was a day of delightful company. I attended University Fellowship Church with Lindsey and Daniel. Afterwards we went to lunch at Doug and Julie's. It was such a gorgeous day. It was a timeless day. I think heaven will be these things: front porches, musicians and instruments, summer breezes, conversation, no pressured schedules. Among other things. It was lovely. Followed by Christ the King. It was a day full of the Gospel. And it was great.

Tonight, Oh, the Adventure! The Intrigue! The ladies at 710 Pickard knew at the time of renting their house that the house contained a certain treasure. The mystery and enchantment surrounding the Cellar remained and developed throughout the summer, until finally, the suspense could not be handled any longer. This very evening, with the help of several interested friends, we descended below the Cellar Door. What we found was beyond our wildest imaginations! What stories the walls could tell if they spoke, no man could imagine.

You are invited to the next opening. There are such further adventures to be had, and such wonderment to be experienced--and you could be a part of it.