I sit in piano practice room #3. My intention was to come to the practice rooms to practice the songs I need to prepare for my midterm in my piano class next week.
I was, however, distracted by the idea of piecing together a third song for the infamous (by this I actually mean "not famous" and not "extra famous") Album Project, which fell out of priority last week when several school projects, an illness, and fundraising stood in the way.
I have now, for you, a conundrum.
I am currently working on a piece concerning my sentiments on war. This is not a topic I particularly like to soapbox on, but will if invited, and since this is, after all, my album project, I felt that the invitation had been extended.
So "The War Song" (as it will be referred to hereafter) has been impeded in its progress by this (seemingly) simple question: A major or a minor key?
While this may seem a question that would easily be answered through the evolution of the song, it seems that the song has reached a crossroads at which I must ask your help in discerning the proper way to turn. A minor key would express the emotion I feel that most of my words are trying to convey. However, no one (really) likes to hear angry white girls sing about injustice (go figure) so for this reason, I hesitated in making the final decision. There is a major key option, which would cause the audience to focus on the message of the lyrics and be less distracted by the medium through which it was being delivered. But would the message be cheapened altogether?
Thoughts, please. I stand befuddled.

I am always for tricking people into thinking one thing and then giving 'em the old one-two! That said, I suggest starting in a minor and then transition to its relative major and then going back again just for good measure.
ReplyDeleteBut then again, I know nothing about music. Except that you make music and I like you.
War! What is it good for?
ReplyDeleteBe angsty!
Be angry!
I'm angry!
Where have all the flowers gone?
ReplyDeleteLong time passing
Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the flowers gone?
Girls have picked them every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?
Major. Make it seem like it's about something else. Make the listener have to work a little bit--aka reading/listening to the lyrics.