Well, it finally happened. My laziness got the best of me and I did not even get close to meeting my goal this month. However, I'm still feeling pretty confident in myself and have not begun questioning my identity, so I think we will survive this. I'll try to redeem myself by reading extra in May. We'll see if that happens.
**Side Note: I would like to say that I think a large portion of my April reading time was transferred into time spent with my friends (you know who you are). I am very comfortable with this trade off.**
The Glass Castle (Walls) – A memoir of the author’s childhood and her family’s interactions as they lived a life you can hardly believe is true. It is not an exaggeration to say they put the “fun” in dysfunctional. A truly unbelievable but powerful perspective on a lifestyle that will make you thankful for the normality you enjoy. (9)
Ultimate Punishment (Turow) – My criminal justice class encouraged us to read this. A lawyer takes an in-depth look into the death penalty controversy and especially the role it has played in the state of Illinois. He deals with the question, “Is the risk of sending an innocent man to his death worth the benefit of killing a guilty criminal?” Interesting and thought provoking. (7)
Concise Theology (Packer) – I know we studied this in Relish this semester together, but seeing as we finished it this month, it makes it on the April list. My opinion of Packer was positive, but I wish the book had been laid out differently. Packer goes surface level on a lot of different topics. I wish he had gone deeper on not as many topics. As it is, Packer gives you a taste of many different issues of Systematic Theology, and leaves it up to you to investigate those issues further. (6)
I've got some great stuff in my stack for this month, so start looking forward to May reviews.
Currently obsessed with:
Gmail and Edith Piaf.
This month in music I like
Sherree Chamberlain, some of the new Gavin Degraw album, and classic favorites like Patty Griffin, Damien Rice, and John Mayer.
The Katie Tracy Band saw a fancy lot of showtime this month. As a principal member is graduating, watch for the Band to be evolving in the next few months. Get your autographs now...
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